Master Class in Meditation (English Version)
Meditate like a Master:
A 15 day video course to master the essentials of meditation
From Taking This Course You Will Gain:
- The ability to calm your mind, emotions and body
- The ability to fill your self with energy anytime you want
- The skill to connect with your Inner Self.
- Things that used to bother you no longer will
- Enjoy more Love, Wisdom & Strength in your life
- Day 1 part 1 What is Meditation & the Video Breathing Practice
- Day 1 part 2 The Best Approach to Mediation & the Video Meditation Practice
- Day 2 The Vibration Effects of Colors with the Video Meditation Practice
- Day 3 Visualization & Clairvoyance with the Video Meditation Practice
- Day 4 The Power of Repetition with the Video Meditation Practice
- Day 5 Autosuggestion in Meditation with the Video Meditation Practice
- Day 6 Reviewing & Re-energizing with the Video Meditation Practice
- Day 7 Our 3 Bodies & the 3 Worlds with the Video Meditation Practice
- Day 8 Our Etheric Double with the Video Meditation Practice
- Day 9 From cave-man to man-god with the Video Meditation Practice
- Day 10 Thought Forms with the Video Meditation Practice
- Day 11 Don’t Jump in the Stream with the Video Meditation Practice
- Day 12 The Instrument & the Musician with the Video Meditation Practice
- Day 13 Wake up prince! with the Video Meditation Practice
- Day 14 The Anti-Virus with the Video Meditation Practice
- Day 15 Keys to the Inner World with the Video Meditation Practice
After ordering this Master Class on Meditation, please download all the videos but only watch each day's video instruction class AND then follow along each days' led meditation video. Repeat this procedure everyday for all individual classes and meditation videos to achieve the highest results.
*We want to make this material within everyone's reach. If you are interested in taking this master class in meditation, but the price seems out of your reach, please send an email to explaining your circumstance with an offer that is comfortable and reflects your own possibility.
Spanish Version of this Master Class: click here
Meditate like a Master: With just 15 minutes per day for 15 days and you can gain the essential skills to master your meditation practice. You will learn to deeply relax your body. You will learn to create tranquility in your personality. You will learn how to transcend your body, personality and connect with your Inner Self. You will learn how to fill yourself with life giving energy anytime you want